Friday, July 21, 2006

Old & New

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Anonymous said...

so where's the fountain gate shots?

Natalie said...

I like the old better too. But how old is old in Melbourne?

Anonymous said...

Natalie, when it comes to history, this may be an interesting comparison:

Los Angeles (in your part of Southern California) was incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850. It was only in 1847 that Americans took control of the fledgling city from the Mexicans (who had settled it in 1781).

Melbourne was founded in 1835 (Sydney was settled by Europeans in 1788) and was incorporated as a municipality in 1842 (8 years before Los Angeles was). During the 1880s, Melbourne was the second largest city in the British Empire. Unlike Los Angeles, Melbourne has maintained many of it's buildings from that golden age.

Natalie said...

You're right that is interesting. Thank you for that comparison.