Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gardens in Fitzroy

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Sally said...

Are they the flats in Brunswick St? Where are the gardens? Fantastic - like English traditional allotments. Is it a community garden?

Lawrence of St Kilda said...

In the picture is one of the Brunswick Street Towers of the Atherton Gardens Estate in Fitzroy (4 Towers in total on this site plus numerous low-rise in the surrounding streets).

The community 'allotment' garden is at the foot of the 125 Napier Street Tower - and is managed by the residents association. The estate is one of the first of many to have a 'grey water' system of waste water recycling for the use on the gardens in this time of drought and water restrictions.

The estate is also one of many in this state undergoing the most extensive renovations, since their construction in the late 50s and early 60s, thanks to the state Labor government.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if thsi is the same place but when I was there we used to call it the slums