Friday, November 10, 2006

Lunch at Sorrento - a beach south of Melbourne

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edwin s said...

a gorgeous view. did lunch come free with it?

Cazzie!!! said...

Sorrento certainly is gorgeous. We holliday down that way, at Rye each school hollidays and sometimes in between. A great restaurant to go to and have a magnificent view is from Rubira's. Perhaps that is where you were here? We spent our 10th wedding anniversary there and the service and the food was to die for :)

Pierre said...

Hi Michael,
What a beautiful place to have lunch, over this white-sand beach, in front of the beautiful sea, with a nice glass of cold white wine, waving to seagulls passing by...

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! Looks like some tropical island no one but you has discovered.

Anonymous said...

This photograph and exposure is a beaut!

Wendy said...

You've made me SOOOO homesick! I was just thinking yesterday what I really miss is sitting in a safe eating a simple lunch looking at a great view with a cold glass of wine!

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Great spectacular image

Carol E. said...

Great shot! Don't you love it when the birds happen by at the perfect moment?? Was this one just hovering in the breeze? I saw a bird doing that the other day. Looked like it was having a blast.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

What timing to capture the gull!