Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Rain at the GPO

From Melbourne Today


Mrsupole said...

Rain, blessed rain, it is so wonderful to get rain. I hope that you all get many more days of rain.

Here is a poem I wrote about wishing we had more rain here in Calfornia. Enjoy.

Rain, rain, come today,
come again on any day.
Rain comes on a cloudy day,
So our plants can grow everyday.

With every rainy day I know,
God will show a great rainbow.
To help our farmers reap and sow.
Giving rain for plants to grow.

At least someone is getting rain. So glad for you. God Bless.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is a very atmospheric almost ghostly image.

Anonymous said...

Love the wistful look on the girl,and blaze look on the man's face, small notes but fit in nicely with the tone of the photo and the black and white.