Friday, November 24, 2006

Lunchtime in Bourke Street Mall

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Anonymous said...

nice angle. :)
and so funny a big wallet on the ground!! why no one look at it?? It must be my focus if i were walking there.

Anonymous said...

Oh how funny!
Leads to the big question : If you find a wallet in the street, do you bring it back to the police station or keep it to yourself?
Or another way to look at it : a way to encourage people to open generously their purse to the various charities that will as them to be generous at Xmas time.

In any case I love that sort of street art left to passers by to ponder!

Anonymous said...

Answer to your question :

Your friend should go for the obvious of course, Opera house, harbour bridge, the Rocks, the Botanic Gardens, the north shore in Kirribilli, Paddington for the terrace houses, the beaches and all the coastal walks she can find (bondi to coogee but also spit bridge to manly or rose bay to shark bay), taking a ferry to Manly one day, taking a ferry to Watsons Bay another day, or to Balmain, or Parramatta.

The fish market (and have lunch there). Chinatown (and Paddy's market for cheap souvenir koalas and tee-shirts made in China!)

And out of town the Blue mountains of course. And a day tour to the Hunter valley if she's interested in wine making.

All of that should keep her busy for a while. You can suggest she has a look at our website - the page in Sydney has a fair bit of info in French!

Anonymous said...

oops, someone dropped their purse... Looks like a giant clam shell.

These days in melb there is so much fabulous public art, you can always expect the unexpected.

Anonymous said... unique !

Anonymous said...

The purse is still around after so many years! Looks like no one picked it up!

Looks like there's a Sydney talk. When at Paddington, head to Bills for breakfast! Satisfaction guaranteed!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I guess the gian purse belongs to one of the giant ladies?